Saturday, January 14, 2023

china fighter jet

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Spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday despite threats from China, which reportedly patrols airspace near the island with powerful fighter jets.

China Fighter Jet

China Fighter Jet

Pelosi's trip made her the highest-ranking US official to visit the island in 25 years and drew a strong response from Chinese officials. Relations between China and Taiwan have long been strained, as Taiwan asserts independence while China insists it controls the island. The trip by Pelosi, a Democrat from California, has soured relations between the United States and China in recent weeks.

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China has deployed 150 J-20 fighter jets, considered China's most powerful fighter jets, to the Taiwan Strait in June 2021 amid tensions with Taiwan, according to a report.

Meanwhile, China has sent Su-30 fighter jets to the Taiwan Strait, where one of the jets had a "dangerous" encounter with a US military aircraft in June, Politico reported. How the two fighter jets compare to America's F-22 "Raptor" fighter jets, touted as one of the military's most advanced jets and sent to the Pacific region amid strained relations between the US and China.

The US F-22 fighter jet is considered stronger than China's J-20 aircraft that patrol the Taiwan Strait. Above, an F-22 Raptor flies off the coast of Brisbane, Australia on July 17, 2019. Chris Hyde/Getty Images

The F-22 can fly at a maximum speed of 1,500 miles per hour, surpassing the maximum speed of the J-20, which is about 1,321 miles per hour, and the Su-30, which can travel at a maximum of 1,500 miles per hour. the hour , 317 miles per hour.

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When it comes to cruising range, the J-20 can travel slightly further than the F-22 without stopping to refuel. According to the Executive Flyers Aviation website, the F-22 has a range of 1,864 miles, while the J-20 is estimated to have a range of about 2,000 miles.

China's Su-30 fighter jet, meanwhile, has a range of about 1,864 miles, according to AeroCorner. It is generally considered less powerful than the J-20, making it less dangerous against the F-22 in a potential battle.

The J-20 is believed to be the most powerful fighter aircraft of the Chinese military, but although the extent of the J-20's capability is not fully known, many experts still believe that the American F-22 will prevail in a comparison between the two aircraft. .

China Fighter Jet

, the J-20 jet is considered "potentially less maneuverable" than the F-22 due to its larger size. According to the magazine, the F-22 is capable of sustaining high speeds for long periods of time.

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The F-22 is also capable of flying higher than the J-20, and its more advanced stealth technology, skilled pilots and China's difficulty in producing a more powerful engine give it the edge, according to the insider.

When Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday morning, Chinese jets were reportedly flying over the Taiwan Strait. His visit comes after weeks of threats from China. On Monday, Zhao Lijian, deputy director of China's foreign ministry, warned that the visit could lead to "serious consequences" as China threatens the One China unification policy.

"China will take firm and strong steps to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Let's wait and see what exactly steps we will take, whether we have the courage to visit," he said.

International relations experts are concerned that his visit could spark an international crisis or increase tensions between China and the United States or Taiwan. But at home, Democrats and Republicans have praised Pelosi for not backing down in the face of China's threats.

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